[跟ASLA學景觀英語]第四輯/ 各位同學大家好,不知道大家在做作品集的過程中是否經常因為景觀敘事的中英文翻譯而煩惱呢?這個專題[跟ASLA學英語]就是希望能夠幫助大家通過專業案例來學習比較地道的表達,學為致用。今天帶來的案例是/ 2018ASLA通用設計類榮譽獎的Tongva Park + Ken Genser Square,這是一個小型濱海停車場改造升級項目,涉及到的詞匯短語為景觀設計的基本名詞和修飾詞。點擊查看[跟ASLA學景觀英語]第一輯點擊查看[跟ASLA學景觀英語]第二輯點擊查看[跟ASLA學景觀英語]第三輯Tongva Park + Ken Genser Square transformed a former parking lot/ into a/ lush landscape/ of rolling hills, meadows and gardens. The most dramatic aspect of the site transformation has been the restoration of its ecosystem.Tongva Park + Ken Genser Square將以前的停車場改造為擁有起伏山丘,草地和花園的豐富景觀。場地轉型最引人注目的方面是其生態系統的恢復。01parking lot/ 停車場(一般指公共場所戶外的停車位)parking 泛指停車位,可以是路邊,也可以是地下。02a lush landscape/ 青蔥茂密的景觀lush adj. 蒼翠繁茂的,豐富的eg. lush green meadows 青蔥翠綠的草地03rolling hills/ 起伏綿延的山丘rolling // waved // undulant / adj. 波浪形的,起伏的eg. rolling // waved // undulant/ // meadowland/ 起伏不平的草地04ecosystem/ 生態系統aquatic ecosystem 水生生態系統natural ecosystem 自然生態系統artificial ecosystem 人工生態系統agricultural ecosystem 農業生態系統Situated on 7.4 acres between City Hall, the Interstate-10 freeway, and Santa Monica/'s iconic/ palm tree lined Ocean Avenue, Tongva Park + Ken Genser Square have transformed a derelict/ and flat parking lot into lush landscape of rolling hills, swales, Mediterranean meadow gardens, and active urban spaces.Tongva Park + Ken Genser Square位于市政廳,10號州際高速公路和圣莫尼卡標志性的棕櫚樹海洋大道之間,占地7.4英畝。設計將廢棄而單調的停車場變成了具有起伏山丘,沼澤地,地中海草花園和活躍的城市空間的繁茂景觀。05iconic/ adj. 有標志性的iconic building 標志性建筑/ landmark building 地標建筑06derelict/ adj.荒廢的/ (尤指土地或建筑物)/& n. (因水位后退)逐漸變干的土地derelict land/ // wasteland // abandoned land/ 荒地07swale 沼澤地wetland/ // swampland/ // fenland/ 沼澤地The design re-knits the city fabric through strong linkages to Downtown, the adjacent neighborhoods, the Santa Monica State Beach, Palisades Park, and the Main Street commercial area, and mitigates the barrier created by the Santa Monica Freeway./ Observation Hill offers the best views of the ocean and neighboring vicinity culminating in two distinctive shell-like overlooks/ that frame iconic views and vistas/ of Santa Monica and the ocean. Ken Genser Square provides new space for civic gatherings and complements the City Hall landmark building with its symmetrical/ footprint, low pre-cast seat walls, and gently rolling grassy hills.設計通過與市中心的緊密聯系重新編織城市結構,鄰近的社區,圣莫尼卡州立海灘,Palisades公園和主街商業區,減輕了圣莫尼卡高速公路所造成的障礙。Observation Hill享有大海和周邊地區的最佳景致,最高點是兩個獨特的貝殼式俯瞰景觀,構成了圣莫尼卡和海洋的標志性景觀和眺望遠景之地。Ken Genser Square為市民聚會提供了新的空間,并因其對稱的布局,低預制的座位墻和輕柔的草坡,與市政廳標志性建筑相得益彰。08mitigate the barrier 減輕障礙break down/ the barrier/ 破除障礙09overlook/ / n. /& v. 眺望,從高處看到的景色vistas/ n./ /(尤指從高處看到的/) 景色10symmetrical/ 對稱的axisymmetric/ 軸對稱centrosymmetric 中心對稱11pre-cast/ 預制precast concrete 預制混凝土The project has been fundamentally modeled on healthy, native environments whose interconnected botanical, hydrologic, and topographic/ systems work to provide restored ecosystem services to the site./ Existing trees were/ preserved and form an important backbone for new plant material. /"Morty,/" a large Moreton Bay Fig tree, was fondly named by Santa Monica residents and now hosts a picnic grove near its impressive canopy. /"The Three Amigos,/" three mature Ficus trees, were/ successfully relocated close by to create a /"Fig Grove/" that dramatically buffers the freeway, while existing palms are/ clustered/ close to the park/'s main entry to provide vertical structure along the park/'s edge.New trees are grouped into/ three forest types, which are modeled on native California Coastal Scrub, Chaparral, and Riparian plant communities. They are/ carefully positioned to take advantage of the site/'s numerous microclimates, provide the framework for the project/'s extensive plant palette, and contribute to the distinctiveness of spaces within the park.該項目以健康的原生環境為基礎,其互聯的植物,水文和地形系統致力于為該場地提供恢復的生態系統服務。現有的樹木被保留,并且形成了新植物材料的重要支撐。/ “Morty”是一棵大型摩頓灣無花果樹,深受圣莫尼卡居民的喜愛,現在在其令人印象深刻的樹冠附近有一個野餐小樹林。三個成熟的榕樹“ The Three Amigos ”成功地搬遷到附近,創建了一個“Fig Grove”,大大緩沖了高速公路,而現有的棕櫚樹聚集在公園的主要入口附近,沿公園的邊緣提供垂直綠化。新樹分為三種類型,加利福尼亞州沿海灌木,常綠闊葉灌叢和河岸植物群落。它們被精心定位,充分利用該場地的眾多小氣候,構成場地不同綠色的框架,并有助于公園內空間獨特性的形成。12botanical/ system 植被系統hydrologic system 水文系統topographic system/ 地形系統13be preserved/ 被保護be relocated 被重新定位be clustered 被組團be positioned 被放置14be grouped into 被集合分成……eg. Urban renewal/ approaches are grouped into/ two types: replacement/ and update.城市更新方法被分為兩類:替換和升級。The project offers a new model of sustainability/ for similarly scaled projects-- one that carefully balances environmental and cultural considerations. The radical restoration of ecosystem services to the site via amended soils and a dramatic biomass increase/ is complemented by an irrigation system that uses water from the nearby Santa Monica Urban Runoff Recycling Facility. Irrigated water and stormwater are maintained on site through the natural movement of water into bioswales/ at the base of most hills in the park.Areas of the project which are not planted contribute to the social sustainability of the project, which is uniquely high. Developed in close collaboration with the city and community, the park/'s range of social spaces include areas for quiet contemplation, a large community gathering space, and inclusive play area/ for all ages and abilities. The project specifically promotes human health through a series of walking trails and loops, and bike parking areas, which are promoted on the park/'s website.該項目為類似尺度的項目提供了一種新的可持續性模式/ - 平衡環境和文化考量。通過修復的土壤和顯著的生物量增加對生態系統服務進行徹底恢復,并輔以使用附近圣莫尼卡城市徑流回收設施的灌溉系統。在公園的大多數山丘底部,通過自然水體的運動將灌溉水和雨水維持在場地上。未種植的項目區域有助于項目的社會可持續性,這是獨一無二的。該公園與城市和社區密切合作,開發了一系列社交空間,包括安靜的沉思區域,大型社區聚會空間以及適合所有年齡和能力的包容性游樂區。該項目通過一系列步行道和環路以及自行車停放區專門促進人類健康,這些區域在公園網站上進行宣傳。15offer a new model of sustainability 提供可持續發展的新模式offer a new model/ // pattern // schema // of/ …… 提供……新模式16balance 平衡eg./ Design has achieved a balance between economy development and environmental conservation.設計在經濟增長和環境保護之間達到平衡。17biomass /(單位面積或體積內的)生物量eg./ The change in composition, amount and biomass of algae was dynamic.藻類種群結構、數量、生物量等存在動態變化。18bioswale 生態濕地/ (與海綿城市關系密切)eg. Use vegetated bioswale for capturing, storing and cleaning stormwater before it flows into urban sewer pipes and rivers.在雨水流入城市下水道和河流之前,利用沿街設置的植物生態過濾池收集、儲存以及過濾雨水。19areas for quiet contemplation/ 冥想區gathering space/ 聚集區play area/ 玩樂區20walking trial // loop 步行道// 環線walkway/ // footpath // / track // walk 步行道loop // circuit/ 環路

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好消息!Google全球基礎建設與能源部資料中心專案負責人 Mark Dolan今(11)天發表文章宣布,Google已於台南購地,

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好消息!Google全球基礎建設與能源部資料中心專案負責人 Mark Dolan今(11)天發表文章宣布,Google已於台南購地,

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好消息!Google全球基礎建設與能源部資料中心專案負責人 Mark Dolan今(11)天發表文章宣布,Google已於台南購地,

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好消息!Google全球基礎建設與能源部資料中心專案負責人 Mark Dolan今(11)天發表文章宣布,Google已於台南購地,

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